I do not have access yet the rest of "And Just Like That..." However, I was a follower of the Sex and the City series....and I was dating at the time...so I had a lot of conflicting opinions watching their lives play out on screen. However, I am a fan of your writing so I don't mind the spoilers about these new episodes. I do appreciate the insights you have about rewriting history. You are right; Amanda always was conflicted about who she was as a woman and her goals, etc. However she and Steve had a very loving close friendship and love relationship. I personally chose to end a marriage and went through a horrendous divorce. Yet, in the telling of that story I can never deny that people told me they thought we were "the beautiful couple". It is just part of the story.

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I think a lot of the rub for me is that as women of a certain age, with worldly experience, access to money and diversity in their social and business lives in NYC - they are trying to sell this like they are Amish women escaping their hubby Jezabia And the heavy handed dump of every damn current social trend being jammed in these lives is a bit much. Lily, Rock, Widow, Infertility, Open Relationship, lesbian-ish, non-binary, estrangement from Samantha, young rich social influencer and her drama, the podcast, the book, the pressure to spin the book, the Boomers, the weed smoking, the kids living together while still in HS. I mean, the great irony is that I find it boring and exhausting because I do not have a chance to get into one story line before 10 more are competing for my attention. Years ago I wrote a "book" about widow and while she was navigating some heady stuff (he was a professor and had been having a few flings and one of the students showed up to the widow's door pregnant asking if she could raise the baby - it'd be the last thing she'd have of her husband's. Yeah, very obvious but it worked.) And believe me, I was able to sustain the story with only a handful of other 'going ons.' I just expect better from this franchise. Grrr.

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